Jumat, 09 Desember 2022

Example Of Subject Sentence

Have you ever heard of subjects and objects in a sentence? Well, if you're a beginner in English grammar, then it's essential to understand everything about the subject and object in a sentence. So in this post, we'll be discussing the subject and object in a sentence and much more. Don't worry if you're struggling to differentiate between the subject and object yet because by the end of this post, you'll be an expert in it!

Simple and Complete Subject, Simple and Complete Predicate

What is Simple Subject?

Simple subject refers to the main noun or pronoun in the sentence. It's the subject of the sentence that performs the verb's action or links the verb to the sentence's subject complement. Let's take an example of a simple subject sentence:

Example of Simple Subject

In the above example, the simple subject is 'color,' which refers to the noun that is performing the verb's action.

What is Complete Subject?

The complete subject refers to the entire group of words or phrases that explains the simple subject or provides more details about it.

Example of Complete Subject

In the above example, the complete subject is 'A quick brown fox,' which refers to the entire group of words that provide more detail about the simple subject, i.e., 'fox.'

What is Simple Predicate?

Simple predicate, also known as the verb, explains what the subject is doing or the action being performed by it. Let's take an example of a simple predicate sentence:

Example of Simple Predicate

In the above example, the simple predicate is 'is,' which refers to the verb that links the subject 'Sunflower' to the subject complement 'yellow.'

What is Complete Predicate?

Complete predicate refers to the entire group of words or phrases that explain the simple predicate or provide more detail about it.

Example of Complete Predicate

In the above example, the complete predicate is 'has been fixed,' which refers to the entire group of words or phrase that provides more information about the simple predicate 'fixed.'

Subject and Predicate in a Sentence

Now that we've understood the basics of the subject and predicate let's dive deeper into the subject and predicate in a sentence. In a sentence, the subject is the person or thing that the sentence is about, and the predicate is the action that the subject performs. Let's take the below example:

Example of Subject and Predicate

In the above example, the subject is 'The girl,' and the predicate is 'is riding her bike.' The subject performs the action mentioned in the predicate, which is riding her bike.

Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement is an essential part of constructing sentences in English. It means that the subject and verb must agree with each other in number. For example:

When the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular.

When the subject is plural, the verb must also be plural.

Let's take the below example:

Example of Subject-Verb Agreement

In the above example, the subject is 'Most of the students,' and the verb is 'are.' The verb agrees with the subject as it is used in its plural form.

Basic Sentence Structure in English-Subject, Predicate, Object & Complement

Understanding the basic sentence structure is crucial when learning English grammar. The sentence structure is made up of four essential elements that include subject, predicate, object, and complement.

What is Object?

The object is a noun that receives the action being performed by the subject, and it follows a transitive verb. Let's take an example:

The boy kicked the ball.

In the above example, the object is 'ball,' which receives the action performed by the subject, i.e., 'kicked.'

What is Complement?

The complement is the noun or adjective that compliments the subject or object and follows a linking verb. Let's take the below example:

The cake looks delicious.

In the above example, the complement is 'delicious,' which compliments the subject 'cake.'

Tips, Ideas, and How-to

Now that we've understood the basics of the subject and object in a sentence, here are some tips to improve your English grammar:

Read More

Reading more helps you understand the different sentence structures and improves your vocabulary. You can start with simple books and gradually move onto complex ones.

Practice Writing

Practice makes perfect! Write more to improve your grammar and writing skills. You can start with simple paragraphs and gradually increase the length.

Take Online Courses

Enroll in online courses or watch tutorials to learn more about English grammar. There are many websites and YouTube channels that offer free courses.

In conclusion, understanding the subject and object in a sentence is essential when learning English grammar. With the tips and ideas mentioned above, you'll be able to improve your grammar skills and become an expert in no time. Happy learning!

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