Sabtu, 18 Maret 2023

Summary Of The Article Example

Summary Of The Article Example -

Writing A Summary: Tips And Tricks To Help You Craft A Great Summary


Writing a summary is a crucial skill that can be utilized in various fields, such as research, journalism, and business. It involves condensing a lengthy piece of writing into a shorter version, without losing the key points and ideas in the original article. A summary article example demonstrates how to break down complex texts into a cohesive and understandable summary; it is a snapshot of the whole article that captures the main ideas and essential points.

Summary Article Example

How To Write An Article Review: The Steps

An article review is an analysis and evaluation of a work written by another author. It involves a summary of the main ideas and arguments presented, as well as an assessment of the work's strengths and weaknesses. A journal article critique example outlines the steps that you can take to write a compelling review.

 Journal article critique example

How To Summarize An Article: Professional Tips

Summarizing an article involves presenting the main ideas and arguments of a text in a concise and clear format. It is a skill that can be honed by applying professional tips in structuring your summary. An article summary sample gives a sneak peek into the format and structure to be used; it can also be used to help struggling writers get started.

article summary sample

How To Craft A Great Article Summary In 6 Steps

Creating a summary that is engaging and informative requires you to follow these six steps.

  • Read the article completely to grasp the key ideas and arguments presented.
  • Identify the main themes and points of the article, highlighting them as you read.
  • Compose the first draft of the summary, focusing on the crucial ideas and arguments of the article.
  • Edit and revise the draft, ensuring that the summary conveys the key points of the original article.
  • Proofread the final draft to ensure there are no errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation.
  • Submit the summary as per the instructions given by the publisher or professor.

How To Write A Research Paper Summary: An Example

The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe is one of the best-known short stories in American literature. In this story, the narrator is haunted by his own guilt and the black cat that seems to know his secret. A research paper summary example shows you how to structure your summary; it also provides insight into the details and language that can be used to create a compelling summary.

Research paper summary example

Summary Article Example: How To Craft A Summary

Know Your Purpose

The first step in writing a summary is to know your purpose. Why are you writing a summary? Are you summarizing a text for a brief presentation, or is it meant to be a part of a more extended piece of writing? Identifying the purpose of the summary will help you determine how to structure it and what information to include.

Skim The Article First

You can save time by skimming the article first. The goal of skimming is to get a general idea of the text's subject matter and structure. After this, you can begin to read the article more intently, identifying the essential points you should include in your summary.

Identify Main Ideas And Supporting Details

To write an effective summary, you need to identify the main ideas presented in the text. Main ideas are the central arguments or points the author is trying to convey. Supporting details provide evidence or elaboration for the main ideas. Identifying main ideas and supporting details will help you organize and structure your summary better.

Use Your Own Words

A summary is not a paraphrase. It involves using your own words to condense a piece of text. Try to capture the essence of the text and rephrase it in a clear, concise manner. Avoid using direct quotes, as they take up too much space and are not as effective as paraphrasing.

Avoid Personal Opinions And Interpretations

A summary should not include personal opinions or interpretations of the text. Instead, it should provide a factual recap of the key ideas and arguments presented. Attempting to interpret the text can cloud the summary and render it ineffective.

Revise And Edit Carefully

After writing the first draft of your summary, it's crucial to revise and edit it to ensure it's error-free and conveys the essential points of the original article. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and ensure that the summary is coherent and flows logically.


In conclusion, summarizing an article is a crucial skill that can be utilized in various fields. A summary article example provides an insight into the different approaches that can be used to create a compelling summary. By following the steps outlined above and utilizing professional tips, you can craft a great summary that captures the key ideas and arguments presented in the original article.

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