Rabu, 08 Maret 2023

Example Of A Hyphen

Example Of A Hyphen - In English language, a hyphen (-) is a type of punctuation mark that plays a vital role in the way sentences are structured. It is used to join two or more words together to show that they are related in meaning or to create a compound word. The hyphen can also be used to connect word-parts or syllables, to indicate a missing element, to show a range of values, and to eliminate ambiguity in sentences. Its usage can greatly affect the clarity and meaning of a sentence, and its proper use is essential in effective communication.

The Hyphen: Definition and Usage


The hyphen is a punctuation mark used to connect two or more words or parts of words together, to indicate a range of values, or to eliminate ambiguity in sentences.


The hyphen can be used in a variety of ways. Here are the most common uses:

  • Joining Words: The hyphen can be used to join two or more words together to form a single word or hyphenated word. Example: self-esteem, mother-in-law.
  • Separating Syllables: The hyphen can be used to separate syllables in a word, especially when the word is broken at the end of a line. Example: com-muni-cate.
  • Indicating a Missing Element: The hyphen can be used to indicate a missing element in a word, particularly in compound words. Example: ex-convict (missing part is "convicted").
  • Showing a Range of Values: The hyphen can be used to show a range of values, such as in numbers or dates. Example: 1990-1995, 10-15 years old.
  • Eliminating Ambiguity: The hyphen can be used to eliminate ambiguity in sentences. Example: "I saw a man-eating shark" (vs. "I saw a man eating shark").

When to Use a Hyphen in English

Using a Hyphen with Compound Words:

Compound words are words made up of two or more words that act as a single unit. When writing compound words, the hyphen is used to join the components of the word. Here are some examples:

  • Self-explanatory: When the two words that make up the compound word have equal importance, as in self-explanatory, use a hyphen between them.
  • Prefixes: A hyphen is often used when a prefix is added to the beginning of a word to create a new word. Example: re-make, multi-level, pre-school.
  • Connecting Words: When two words are used to create a single thought, as in well-being, use a hyphen between them.
  • Proper Nouns: Proper nouns may need a hyphen, especially when the two parts of the name are of equal value. Example: George Bush-Sr.

Using a Hyphen with Numbers:

In addition to compound words, the hyphen can also be used with numbers:

  • Fractions: Fractions should be separated by a hyphen, as in two-thirds.
  • Phone Numbers: Phone numbers should be separated with hyphens to make them easier to read.
  • Commas: When using commas to write out numbers, hyphens can be used to show ranges of numbers. Example: 10,000-12,000.

How to Properly Use a Hyphen in English


Here are some tips to keep in mind when using hyphens in English:

  • Avoid Overuse: The overuse of hyphens can make a sentence more difficult to read and understand. Only use hyphens when they are needed for clarity or to avoid ambiguity.
  • Consult a Dictionary: When in doubt about the spelling or usage of a word, consult a dictionary for guidance.
  • Check for Exceptions: Some words do not require hyphens even though they appear to be compound words. Example: overall, anyway.
  • Be Consistent: Use hyphens consistently throughout a document or text.


Here are some ideas for using hyphens effectively in English:

  • Use Hyphens to Clarify Meaning: Hyphens can be used to clarify the meaning of a sentence, especially when using compound words or phrases. Example: We need to buy some high-visibility vests instead of high visibility-vests.
  • Avoid Ambiguity: Use hyphens to avoid ambiguity in sentences. Example: The man-eating shark was seen in the bay (vs. The man eating shark was seen in the bay).
  • Combine Words: Use hyphens to combine two or more words to create a new, unique word. Example: low-cost, eco-friendly.
  • Use Hyphens When Writing Numbers: Use hyphens to separate parts of a phone number or to show ranges of numbers. Example: 555-1234, 1990-1995.

How To:

Here are some guidelines to follow when using hyphens:

  • Know the Rules: Familiarize yourself with the rules for using hyphens in English.
  • Be Consistent: Use hyphens consistently throughout a document or text.
  • Proofread: Proofread your work to ensure that you have used hyphens correctly and appropriately.
The Hyphen (-): Definition, Usage with Useful Examples - ESL Grammar


The hyphen is a powerful punctuation mark that provides clarity and meaning in sentences. It is used to join words or parts of words, to show a range of values, to indicate a missing element, and to eliminate ambiguity in sentences. Proper use of hyphens is essential in effective communication, so it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules and guidelines for using hyphens in English.

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